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Protecting Ukraine’s orphaned children

Since 2022, the association Aide Enfance Ukraine has had the mission of helping orphanages in Ukraine through concrete actions.

Our mission


Our mission is to inform as many people as possible about the difficult situation of Ukrainian orphanages, especially since the conflict with Russia.


We are in direct contact with the Directions of the orphanages to understand their needs and carry out concrete actions with them. This can be providing a portable ultrasound machine, buying a minibus or paying for an urgent operation for a child.


We seek to mobilise as many people as possible. Because each donation makes it possible to restore a little joy and smiles to these children.

About Us

Who are we?

We are volunteers familiar with the situation of orphanages in Ukraine and have decided to invest very actively with these children through direct and concrete actions.

We are in constant contact with the Directions of the Orphanages that we know personally.

The association Aide Enfance Ukraine is co-chaired by Alexandre Guillemot and Denys Kyrychenko. Denys is Ukrainian and has over twenty years of experience in child welfare and international adoption in Ukraine. He knows very well the reality of orphanages in Ukraine.

The situation of orphans in Ukraine

According to the High Commissioner for Refugees, 100,000 Ukrainian children live in boarding schools, orphanages or institutions. Half of these children have a disability, which makes Ukraine an exceptional case in Europe.

Only a minority of these foster children have orphan status. Indeed, many poor parents or parents suffering from addictions (alcohol, drugs, etc.) cannot take care of their children with mental or physical disabilities and, due to the lack of social services, entrust them to these orphanages and institutions.

Thus, only a few children have orphan status and can be adopted. others will remain in an institution until their majority without any visit or real hope of returning one day to their parents and without the possibility of finding a new family through adoption.

The law in Ukraine only allows adoption by foreign couples for children over 5 years old or for children with pathologies. Many children who are not adopted by Ukrainian couples and who cannot be adopted by foreign couples thus remain in orphanages.

The situation has worsened further with the conflict between Ukraine and Russia for two reasons: living conditions and access to healthcare have deteriorated; adoptions, national and international, have been interrupted because of the prohibition by the Convention of adoptions in time of war. It is in this context that Aide Enfance Ukraine has decided to act: to work to help them and give them back a few smiles.

Join us!

To carry out ever more actions with children and orphanages, we are always happy to welcome enthusiastic volunteers. Please contact us for more information.

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